We all want to save a little extra each month. We should all take some time to make sure that our household bills are the lowest that they can be every now and again. To do this put some time a side and print off a list of all your monthly household bills. Take each one individually and do some research to make sure that you are getting the best possible deal. This short article will help you get started with helping you make some savings with your household bills.
Identify what you could potentially save on
Once you have got a list of all your bills, probably from the list of direct debits and standing orders that you have set up on your bank account, it is time to identify where you could be making savings. Start with any insurances that you might be paying every month. Consider if you are paying large amounts of interest to your insurance company whether it be house, car or something else for the privilege of being able to pay it on a monthly basis. If you find you are then consider your options. Perhaps it is better to look at paying it using a 0% credit card if you have or could get one in order to avoid paying the interest and helping you to reduce your monthly bills.
Another big consideration is your credit card bills. Do you have any credit cards with a current balance that you are not clearing monthly? If you do then consider the interest that you are paying at this is a really important factor not only in reducing your monthly bills, but also paying off your credit card balance as quickly as possible. There are several long term credit cards available with long term 0% interest on balance transfers that could help you significantly reduce your household bills every month. This is a great way to save money if you have a considerable longer term credit card debt!
If you have a mortgage it may also be worth thinking about switching, even if you are on a fixed term mortgage that will involve you paying a redemption fee. There are several options available to you, with extraordinary low interest rates at the moment. This is really worth considering. Have a look at price comparison sites online to see how much you could be saving in the first instance.
TV, Broadband and Phone
This is such an important element to consider in reducing your monthly bills that we feel we must give it its own section. Many people are still paying separately for all three items and are paying much more than they should be. Consider swapping to a TV, broadband and phone package from a single provider such as Sky and you could make some great savings. Sky have some great introductory offers at the moment for new customers, where you could combine an exciting TV package, as well as having their super fast fibre broadband and a phone package. There are several different custom offers that you can choose from, and there is bound to be a combination that will beat your current TV, broadband and phone bills.
Mobile phone bills
Another area that you may be able to save on is regarding your mobile phone contract. This is something that many people spend a lot on every month without much thought. It is a really good idea to think about a better option. You could try using a price comparison site to see what deals are available. It is also becoming common for some home phone providers to offer some great deals on sim only packages. Sky is one company that is doing this and may help you save.
It is certainly worth giving your bills a check up regularly to make sure that you are getting the best deals available to you. This will help you to reduce your monthly spending and instead spend your hard earned cash on other things that really matter!