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Small Business Debt Recovery Techniques

Small Business Debt Recovery Techniques

Every company will encounter this at some point. Your client hasn’t paid for your services and they aren’t returning your calls. There are few things that are as frustrating as this kind of situation. It’s important that you keep a level head and consider your options. Responding in the most appropriate manner is how you get your money back. Small business debt collection is a lengthy and painful process, but you can get it done if you use a couple of crucial techniques.

1. Keep a cool head at all times

When you are owed compensation for a service, you would expect things to be paid in a timely manner. When this doesn’t happen, reactions can vary. Anger is one of the most common initial reactions and it’s expected of you. However, you should try to limit that anger as it won’t benefit you or your business.

The angrier you get with your client, the less cooperative they’ll be. It’s important to keep your mental state calm before you make any hasty decisions. In order to get your client to cooperate and pay off their debt, you need to keep a smile on your face and keep your infuriation in check.

2. Documentation is everything

When being nice doesn’t do the job on its own, you need to start planning ahead. If you ever plan on taking legal action against the client, having the right documentation available is going to be crucial. Without any documented proof of the debt, how will you convince a judge that you are owed any money?

In order to build a strong case, you’re going to need a lot of things. It’s probably a good idea to record conversations you have with the client on the phone and take notes. Copy every letter you send to them and make sure it’s all neatly stored in case you might need it.

3. Don’t resort to harassing them

You might be in a rush to get your well-deserved money, but you shouldn’t start pestering the client. One call once in a while is perfectly fine but stick to a reasonable limit. If you call the client every day at eight AM on the clock, it’s not going to make any kind of progress.

Instead of trying to contact them every day with threats of legal action, start with giving them some time to breathe and offering various payment options. Try to get them to cooperate in a calm way because this is the only way you’re going to see any kind of money.

4. Know your rights

Without any professional training, collecting debts might seem like a straightforward process. Someone owes you money and you demand that they give it to you. In reality, there are a bunch of legal issues you and the client in question need to worry about. Both of you have certain rights and legal options.

The government can step in and give you the client’s social security number if they avoid the debt long enough. Knowing when the client is legally liable is up to legal experts like Stevensen business lawyers, which is why it might be best to consult them before you make any hasty decisions. You can’t afford to make a drastic move without the law behind you.

5. If push comes to shove, settle

If a client owes you a large amount of money and they aren’t exactly cooperating, it might seem like the debt is a lost cause. If months might have passed and you’re not seeing a dime of that money, it’s probably time to compromise.

The client might not be able to pay the full sum which is discouraging them from paying anything at all. This is an opportunity to at least see some of your money. Offer to reduce some of their debt as long as they pay up as soon as possible. This way you’ll still get some of your money, even though it’s not as much as you expected. Consider it better than nothing.


If you want your company to thrive in its respective industry, you’re going to need to deal with debts. When you start off small, it can seem like fighting these fights is a pointless venture, but you shouldn’t let in. Even if your clients aren’t cooperating, it’s important that you stick to the books and get what’s yours without going down to their level. If you utilize some of these techniques, you’ll get the best possible chance to see your money return to you.

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